Ships and Vessels Wanted Form

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This is the ships and vessels wanted section of
If you are looking for a ship or vessel we will try to offer you the right options according to the information you supply us with below.

Please Enter your requirements in the form of an advert here if you prefer to have sellers contact you directly.

Your personal  information is used only by our company and is not sold or otherwise made available to any other company or individual.  We consider that by filling in our form we have entered into a confidentiality agreement with you

Please fill in the form below as completely and accurately as possible.


Choose the nearest to the type of vessel you require:

If you chose 'other not specified in the above field, please be specific here as to the type of vessel you require;

Minimum length in Metres ; 
Max length in Metres  ;   
Max draft  in Metres ;

Enter your maximum age restriction ; 

Enter your maximum budget 

Other requirements re tonnage, capacity etc 

Please be as specific as you can with any further requirements pertaining to the vessel, speed, facilities etc. Also let us know if you want to purchase outright or charter and when you need the vessel from (Date or time frame).

Where is the destination post sale or where do you wish to take delivery of a suitable vessel.

Please provide the following contact information:

Your Name 
Organization Name
Work Phone  Including country code
Home PhoneIncluding country code

Are you the end buyer or are you acting as agent or on behalf of the end purchaser;


Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

Yes Please contact me ASAP      You have all the details, wait until you have offers.

Please press enter once only and then wait for up to 90 seconds
Please report any difficulties you may have with this form

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             ships for sale for sale b.jpg (7670 bytes)ships for sale wanted b.jpg (7731 bytes)ships for sale crew b.jpg (7631 bytes)ships for sale award b.jpg (7736 bytes)
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Revised: June 08, 2019