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Ships and vessels currently wanted are placed here. They are in no specific order, click the ref number to contact us with your offers or if you can offer one of the vessels required below, please contact us here
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Double Hull/Double Bottom Clean Product Tanker.
Able to carry IFO, MGO, MDO, Auto Gasoline, Auto Diesel,
Kerosene with heating where necessary Tanks - Prefer vessel having segregated tanks to carry different clean products and appropriate pipelines should be available accordingly
Able to accommodate minimum of 100 no's 210 Litre capacity drums
of fuel / lubricants or other dry cargo
Discharging - Vessel capable of discharging products by direct
pumping in to shore tanks
Manifold Pressure - Approx: 100 psi pressure at each manifold
Speed - 15 Knots or more with fully loaded condition in calm
Class - Have valid class of a member or an associate member
society of the International Association of Classification
Societies (IACS)
All International Trading Certificates to be valid for at least
next 1 year
Vessel to comply with all mandatory IMO/ILO requirements
Should provide basic specifications: DWT, DWCC, GT, NT, LBP,
Breadth, Moulded Depth, Registered Depth, Displacement - Full
and Light Conditions
(Ref ws 982)
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2 second hand multi - purpose Container Cargo Vessels
max length: 95M
draft: Fwd 4.5M, Aft 5.5M fully loaded
2500 to 4000DWT.
200TEU's at 14MT Homogeneous weight if only containers
Price range required to determine budget / finance package
Minimum fully loaded calm sea speed of 15 Knotts.
Gear - At least 2 cranes / derricks with at least 1 capable
of lifting upto 30MT.
Hatches/Holds - Folding type. Pontoon type acceptable if can
be stacked on board during loading / discharging operations.
Holds designed / fitted to take containers. Stack weights
minimum of 45MT UDK and 30 DK.
Class - Valid class of a member society of International
Association of Classification Societies (IACS). Lifting gear
also classed accordingly.
All International Trading Certificates to be valid for upto
1 year at least
Comply with all mandatory IMO/ILO requirements.
Provide following - specifications like DWT, DWCC, GT, NT,
LBP, Breadth Moulded Depth, Registered Depth, Displacement -
Full & Light Conditions
(Ref ws 983)
- Accommodation Barge
deck area= 700m square fuel capacity = 700 000 l pot water = 500 000 l mud = 500 00 bbl bulk capacity = 7000 cu ft the above are minimum requirement. Three units of the above
are required for immediate purchase (Ref ws 987)
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Oceanographic Research Vessel
min length: 30m
max length: 40m
Second Hand Oceanographic Research vessel with having the
following equipments (in good operating condition) installed
or the vessel should have the necessary space and
arrangements to install:
a. Single & multi-beam Echo-Sounders
b. Side scan sonar
c. Chirp acoustic profiler (Hull mounted)
d. DGPS with valid license to operate
e. Latest communication equipment
f. Basic water and sediment sampling devices /equipment
(Ref ws 988)
looking for any running WWII or newer submarine
(Ref ws 992)
- We are looking for two second hand general Cargo
or multi purpose vessels with following specifications:
- Navigation area: Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Volga
- Maximum age: 7 years
- Delivery place: ports of Caspian Sea
- Dead weight: 3000- 5500 ton
- Maximum draft: 4- 5.10m
(Ref ws 996)
- We are looking at for the following marine spread
to be acquired on outright purchase / charter hire basis
for our offshore engineering project beginning fortnight
of October 2008. However to compress the time for
purchase formalities we would be interested to acquire /
charter hire the vessel by end June' 08. Please note in
case of charter hire the period would start beginning
10th ~ 15th Oct' 08 but contract would be finalized by
end June' 08.
1. 1. No AHTS 3200 BHP & abv, Min. 40 Tons BP, vintage
around 25 years,
Deck space approx. 280 sq. mtr, FO / FW capacity min.
250 Tons each,
Draft (loaded) upto 3.5 mtrs.
2. 1 No. Work Boat for 25 ~ 40 PAX, Bet. 2000 - 2500 BHP>,
Min. 40 Pax, vintage around 25 years, Suitable Deck
space, Suitable FO / FW capacity, Draft - Suitable
3. Flat Top Dumb Barge, Length upto 200 - 220 Ft,
Breadth: 60 Ft, Suitable Draft, vintage around 10 years,
DWT. - 3000 M.T.
4. Assist Tug 2500 BHP for FTDB, Length up to 30 mtrs,
Breadth: Suitable for above, Suitable Draft (loaded),
Min. 35Tons BP, vintage around 25 years, Suitable Deck
space, Suitable FO / FW capacity.
Kindly let us know if you have any suitable vessel/s to
offer along with the terms and conditions specified
clearly. You are requested to confirm any suitable
candidate latest by 10th March' 08
(Ref ws 998)
| Your Classified wanted here
advertising rates
If you are looking for ships, anything to do with shipping, whether
wanted or for sale, commercial vessels, we need to have full details of your
requirements, including capacities, age restrictions, budget, TEU if for a reefer, passenger ship capacity, DWT, if for a tanker or cargo ship, we need tonnage, for trawlers, fishing boats, purse seiner vessels, whether for lease, bareboat or outright purchase, as many details as you can give us will help.  |