Overall length 96.3 m Moulded length 93.76 m Overall breadth 13.6 m Moulded breadth 13.4 mHull height at midlength 6.7 m minimum super marine dimension 13.4 m At sea navigation (with g =1.025 t/m3) draught from B/L 5.16 m tonnage 3600 t deadweight 3835 t displacement 5600 t
At river navigation (with g =1.000 t/m3) draught from B/L 3.77 m tonnage 2000 t deadweight 2090 t displacement 3870 tRegistered tonnage gross, GT. 2914 net, NT 1311 The cargo holds capacity is Hold No. 1 2384 m3 Hold No. 2 2411 m3 Total 4795 m3 Dimensions of the hatch openings of all four holds, 10.3 x 26.4 m hatch area coefficient of cargo holds 1.0 Capacities of tanks for main consumables, and of ballast compartments are Motor fuel 186.3 m3 Diesel fuel 50.3 m3 Lubricating oil 2.08 m3 Boiler water 24.5 m3 Fresh water 41.4 m3 Ballast 1051 m3 General Information  Ships application The ship will carry general and dry bulk cargoes, including grain and timber. Grain is carried without swash bulkheads. All the holds provide for the carriage of dangerous goods of class 4 under MDGC. The ship can be outfitted with facilities for the carriage of 122 containers international IC and ICC standards in holds and on hatch cover. The carriage of heavy cargoes is possible. With this, in every case of such a carriage, the calculations and the diagram of cargo location must be submitted to the supervising inspection of the classification society. The ensuring of hull strength and cargo securing are shown in calculations and diagram. Navigation zone The ship is designed to navigate in sea areas according to limitation of region I of the "Rules for the Construction and Classification of Sea-going Ships", ed. 1990 of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, and to carry out river-to-sea trips within the limits of admissible draughts for the specified inland water area. Season of navigation all year in regions with moderate sea climate. Settlement temperatures for gears, systems and isolation: Air outside up + 300C to -230C Sea water up + 320C to 000C The ship is built to obtain classification KM N3 1A3 of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The ship meets the requirements of the International documents as follows:- International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, including Amendments of 81, 83 and 88-89.
- International Convention for Preventing Maritime Pollution, 1973, and Protocol of 1978.
- International Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS-72).
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (MDGC-77).International Convention on the Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.Kiel Canal Regulations, 1975.Main engines and ships speed The main engine is one diesel engine of make 8 VDS 29/24 AL-2, power 1800 kW at 1000 rpm.The ships speed at 5.16 m draught on deep water without current at a wind and in a sea state not exceeding 3, with fresh painted hull is not less then 10.7 knots.
Endurance Endurance at sea navigation is determined by cruising range (with regard to the fuel is not less then 20 days).Endurance at river navigation is: by fuel capacity - 6 days; by boiler water - 8 days; by provision - 20 days; by fresh water - 6.5 days.
Crew and accommodation The ship provides the crewmember with single-cabins for a crew of up to 10 persons. Besides, there is a sanitary cabin that may be used for a pilot.The general disposition of space on board the ship is performed in accordance with the plan No. 17310-050-004 BO.The height from the floor to the structure ceiling in accommodations and in public rooms is not less than 2000 mm, in the wheel house - not less than 2150 mm in the area of helmsmans and watch mate posts and not less than 2080 mm at cheeks. Maintainability To ensure the maintenance of machinery and equipment installed aboard it is provided:- arrangement of main and auxiliary machinery and equipment in relevant spaces, ensuring convenient passages and access during preventive inspections and maintenance;
- building-block design of the installed machinery and equipment;
- maintenance platforms in the area of machinery and equipment for their disassembly and assembly when repaired;
- portable hand hoists, moving jibs with electric hoists, slewing booms with hoists to dismantle and to transport the assemblies and parts of mechanisms, pipe lines, systems and electrical equipment etc. toward repairing platforms and places for unloading;
- eye bolts over the machinery and equipment to hang up hoists when dismantling mechanisms;
ship workshops and repairing aids with various machine-tools, aids and appliances required for repairs aboard;set of spare parts ensuring the operation of machinery and equipment;holes and detachable and cutout plates on the decks, platforms and bulkheads provided for loading and unloading provided for unloading the machinery, equipment and provision.Environmental Protection of the sea A system for collecting and purifying oil/water mixtures with a separator and reserve collecting tanks; A sewage disposal system with a separator and a reserve collecting tank; Means for picking and burning garbage:- tanks for bags with domestic, food-stuff and service (cleaning cloth etc.) garbage;
- ships automated installation (incinerator) for burning the mentioned garbage alone.
The ship will be built in compliance with the agreement end under the supervision of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping. The ship will be supplied ready to service, including inventory equipment and spare parts according to an approved specification, but without fuel oil, lubricants, provision, water, mineral salts, nautical charts, nautical handbooks, medical instruments and medicines. The delivered ship will be accompanied with maintenance documentation as well as with all the documents issued by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, the Sanitary Inspection, and qualifying the owner to employ the ship, as well as Certificates on the equipment supplied by the Builder in accordance with this Specification. Warranty The Builder guarantees the quality of the ship and its trouble-free operation for a period of 12 months upon the signature of the ship acceptance documents by the Customer. During the term of warranty the Builder shall be liable for all failures and usage troubles occurred by reason of improper workmanship or material. The failures and troubles found out in this period will be rectified by the Builder and defective parts will be replaced with the new ones for account of the latter. The Builder shall not be liable for usage losses as well as for losses and damages due to the normal wearing or an improper care. The construction and layout of ships principals not mentioned in this Specification are performed by the Builder as it is in its common practice.The Builder is qualified to make equivalent supercedences by newly developed equipment and materials having similar or better characteristics. Hull Material for the ship hull, superstructures and houses, footings for the main machinery, high-loaded structures, strengthening and for cargo hatch coamings, hatch covers framing it is used steel of category D32.The ships hull is welded. In order to protect the underwater hull against corrosion it is provided a sacrificial protection combined with the paint coating. Anchor handling gear The ship is equipped with two bower Halls anchors of 2000 kg each and one 1000-kg Halls anchor.The anchor chains for the bower anchor are of high strength welded construction with studs, chains size is 38 mm, length - 225 m each. The back anchor chain is arc welded of high strength, with studs, size 28 mm, and 175 m long. The bower anchors are lifted and cast by two (left and right) KGW 38K2/50KN type anchoring and mooring winches installed on the forecastle deck. To lift and cast the back anchor there is one right KGW 28K2/50KN type anchoring and mooring winch on the poop deck. Mooring and towing arrangements The mooring arrangement has steel ropes of 18-mm diam (3 pcs) 160 m long each and 20 m long each (2 pcs). In the event the steel ropes are not supplied, 175 mm in circumference polypropylene ropes may be used on the ships. The towing gear is outfitted with a steel rope, dia. 32.5-mm, 190 m long.Boat gear and life-saving appliances There are one enclosed free-fall motor lifeboats for 12 persons and a workboat with outboard motor for 6 persons on board the ship. The ship is outfitted with 1 life raft for 12 persons and 2 life raft for 6 persons.Steering gear The ship has two full balanced hydrofoil rudders. The tiller compartment contains two single-tiller Electro hydraulic steering engines which ensure with one of pump units of each engine in operation, purring the rudder complex from 300 hard over to 350 hard over during not more than 28 sec. at full speed ahead.The steering engines are remotely electrically controlled from a control station in the wheelhouse and from manual (local) control stations in the tiller compartment directly from pump actuators. Thruster A bow thruster with a power of 135 kW serves for an active ship control to ensure manoeuvrability and to keep the ship in the required position at slow speed ahead and astern and without running. Hatch cover arrangement The ship has steel cargo hold hatch covers of watertight construction, which allow a 100 % hold opening and closing in any sequence.Each of the holds has a one-wing four-panel steel cover, which is able to bear a uniformly distributed load of 1.95 t/m2. The hatch cover is hydraulically driven, each wing separately. The design of hatch covers enables the ship to carry on them timber or international IC and ICC standard containers. The ship is equipped with an arrangement for storm (emergency) dumping of timber piles stowed on the hatch covers. Insulation of accommodations and lining Thermal insulation Thermal insulation of living, service and domestic spaces is designed so as to be efficient at an outside temperature of -230C with air conditioning, ventilation and heating being fully in order.The fire-resistance insulation of the ship accommodations complies with the "Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-going Ships" of Register, 1990.Soundproofing is used on the main deck on the engine room side in the galley, dining room and cooks cabin area.The living, public spaces (mess- and recreation room, sport cabin, ship office, reserve control post) and the corridors are lined with metal-base laminate with thermal and soundproofing inside.The lining in the galley, lay-in room, wheelhouse, chart room, radio cabin, radio aids room, bath-and-lavatory units of all the cabins are made with plastic laminate. The power plant is composed of: - main plant, actuating the fixed-pitch propeller (PPP), including one Diesel engine of make 8VDS 29/24AL-2 of 1800 kW at 1000 rpm with reverse reduction gear of WAF 1961x4,125 type;
- auxiliary plant including:
- two Diesel-generators D2866 TE-FS 280 S4 (one of them stand-by) of 160 kW each, which are the main power source for all services on board the ship both underway and moored;
- emergency Diesel-generator ???50M2-9P of 50 kW designed for power supply to the ships loads at no voltage on the main switch-board;
auxiliary boiler installation including:- automated boiler unit 1.0/5 M of 1.0 t/hr capacity at a pressure of 5 kgf/cm
automated boiler unit 1.0/5 M of 1.0 t/hr capacity at a pressure of 5 kgf/cm 2 operating on motor and Diesel fuel;automated boiler unit 1.0/5 M of 1.0 t/hr capacity at a pressure of 5 kgf/cm2 operating on motor and Diesel fuel; one automated exhaust heats boiler of 0.4 tn/hr capacity each at a pressure of 5 kgf/cmone automated exhaust heats boiler of 0.4 tn/hr capacity each at a pressure of 5 kgf/cm2. The boiler installation is designed to satisfy the requirement in steam while the ship is underway and moored.- auxiliary machinery and heat exchangers, servicing the power plant;
- fresh water unit for filling boiler unit.
The power plant uses as fuel for the main engines: motor fuel grade DT (and either makes with a viscosity of up to 36 cSt at 500C),diesel fuel grade JI 62;The power plant uses as fuel for the Diesel-generators: The power plant uses as fuel for auxiliary boiler: motor fuel grade DT or diesel fuel grade JI 62. The summary fuel consumption while the ship is underway does not exceed: - motor fuel - 9.4 t per twenty-four hours,
- diesel fuel - 1.1 t per twenty-four hours.
There are the following systems provided for the power plant servicing : - oil, fuel, cooling, exhaust gas, compressed air for the main engines;
- fuel, cooling, oil, exhaust gas, starting air for the Diesel-generators;
- fuel, exhaust gas, starting air for the emergency Diesel-generator;
- Condense-and-feed, fresh steam, fuel, safety valve steam outlet, blowing and drain systems of the auxiliary boilers.
Shaft line is one-shaft installation composed of: one fixed pitch propeller, propeller and intermediate shaft, shaft bearing, propeller shaft sealing, cooling and lubrication system, tape with protector, reverse-reduction gear with thrust bearing and pneumatic brake are built in.Ship systems The ship has the following system:- domestic fresh-and-outside water supply system;
- sewage, domestic water system and open deck scuppers;
- steam heating of accommodations, service steam piping, heating and steaming system;
- all-ship, cargo holds and engine and boiler compartment ventilation system;
- system of air conditioning for living and service spaces;
- refrigerating system for provision storerooms;
- fire-fighting system;
- measuring and air tubes;
pneumatic control system of remote control fittings;draft measuring and ballast tanks level indicating system;ballast and drain system;bilge water collecting and purifying system. Electrical equipment The mostly used mode of current across the ship mains is an alternating three-phase current with a frequency of 50 Hz, voltage 380 V. Some of mains have the following sorts of current and voltages:- 380 V, three-phase, 50 Hz - for essential service;
- 220 V, three- and single-phase, 50 Hz - for inside lighting, outside lighting, signalling and side lights, holds lighting, galley equipment, furnishing, radio and navigational aids;
- 24 V, single-phase - for low-voltage lighting in dry spaces, for soldering irons;
- 27 V DC - as a short-term power source for lighting, emergency power to ??? emergency alarm, ??? automatic remote control systems and automatic starting system of the Diesel-generators;
12 V, single-phase current for lighting in especially damp spaces and outside.Ships electric power plant Power sources:- two synchronised three-phase generators with a rated output of 160 kW each at 400 V, 1500 rpm, 50 Hz, actuated by Diesel engine;
- an emergency Diesel-generator with automatic starting at power lost to the main switchboard (???). The ge
nerator is three-phase with a rated power of 50 kW at 400 V, 1500 rpm, 50 Hz; three-phase transformers 380/230 V to carry loads with a voltage other than 380 V;storage batteries to carry the most important services.The following arrangements ensure the power distribution and monitoring of generators: - main switchboard (TPIII);
- emergency switchboard (APIII).
Power supply with a voltage of 380 V from shore is carried out by means of station of power supply from shore at the stern.Communication and navigational aids Radio equipment provides the operation completely with Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) as well as operational communication of general purpose.Ship communication means are designed for operation in A1+A2+A3 sea areas (GMDSS classification) as well as for river operation. Basic radio communication means - Basic VHF RT2048 radiotelephone station with DSC coder, with receiver to watch DSC at the 70th channel.
- VHF radiotelephone station "Kama-PM" for river communication.
- IF/HF Sperry radio station with built-in automatic feeder for radiotelephone alarm signals, with DSC coder, with receiver to watch DSC, with radio telex incorporating modems with automatic request for repetition, with display, keyboard, printer.
- Automatic facsimile receiver with built-in NAVTEX receiver.
- Ship satellite communication station Inmarsat of standard from Aries-C, including an extended group request.
- Watch receiver for radiotelephone alarm signals of 2182 kHz.
- Three portable VHF radio telephone stations and charger to charge them.
Duplicate radio communication aids - Duplicate VHF radiotelephone station with DSC coder placed on ship control console.
- INMARSAT shipboard satellite communication station of C standard incorporating the broadened group calling device.
Composition, automation level of radio equipment means and their location make it possible to operate the ship with radio operator on crew staff and without radio operator (ship radio chief) when the radio communication is provided by watch navigator. The efficiency of GMDSS radio equipment is provided by the combination of two ways: by duplicating of radio communication means and by shore maintenance and repair.Power supply of radio communication means. The main power supplies - ship mains 220 V 50 Hz from TPIII Emergency power supplies form APIII of emergency diesel generator. Reserve power supplies - 24 DC from base or doubling storage batteries. The batteries are charged from 2 automatic chargers.Antenna installation: Each radio installation works with its own antennas, which provide independent operation of all radio communication means. Ship relaying and broadcast aids A unified public-address and relaying system for 20 directions is installed aboard and enables the ship to send commands, broadcast programs (on relaying lines), conduct public-address communication between control station as well as with shore and other ships.For a short-distance sound communication with other ships, as well as to send commands, fixed and portable electrical megaphones are used. Other radio equipment: - colour TV-sets in accommodation;
- radio sets in commanders cabins.
Onboard communication and signalling The ship is equipped with onboard telephony, emergency and fire alarm. The onboard telephone communication uses an automatic telephone exchange for 20 subscribers and batteryless telephones.Navigational aids The chart room is equipped with a radio direction finder, which is designed to define the ships position at sea, to find the bearing to the ships in distress.The wheelhouse has two navigational radar, which serve to the safety of navigation in the open sea, in coastal areas and narrow waters, in enclosed fairways in conditions of reduced visibility. To determine ship's location and co-ordinates in open sea there is a receiver indicator of satellite system in the chart room. Electrical navigational equipment The ship is equipped with:- a gyro compass system;
- a relative induction log (without prominent parts on the bottom);
- an echo sounder with scale depth 0 to 500 m;
- a magnetic compass with optical transmission to the house.
Ship control instruments tachometers of the propeller shafts;- automatic steerer "Pechora 6-2"for control of steering engines in a manual and automatic modes;
- rudder indicators and rudder telegraph.
Automation and control Ship control The equipment providing for the navigation is concentrated on a navigation console situated in the rudder house. Both wheelhouse wings may be equipped with tack-up navigational equipment. The power plant, electric power plants and ship system are automated in compliance with notation A3 of Register Regulations.The extent of automation and degree of centralisation of control and monitoring guarantees the possibility to attend the power plant without watch. The main engines are equipped with an electrical remote control system (DAY). The starting of beforehand ready main engines, changing of their operating duty, reversing and stopping are effected with the help of the remote control system (DAY) either from the wheel-house or from the bridge wings or from the standby control console situated on a platform in the engine room, using an electrical remote communication, as well as from stations arranged on the engines.Emergency and warning alarm The emergency and warning alarm is designed to generate a light and a generalised audible signal in case of failure (warning) or in emergency (alarm) on a monitored device or a group of devices.The emergency warning and alarm system embraces the most important devices and machinery on which depends the ships going, its controllability and survivability on the whole and the safety of servicing personnel. The price of this vessel is US$ 4,5 million SOLD