Loa 27.8m Beam 6.9m 2.10m depth Board dimensions : Height 3.15 m Tonnage- 190 GRT Carriage capacity-60 t DWT- 70 T Dimensions of cargo room holes -2.4 x 2.1m
Transport-refrigerator vessel's characteristics Type-Transport-refrigerator vessel (All data is compiled on January 1, 1998) Built year- 1989 (Russia), Class: KM L41 Main Engine: German made, 232 KWT, NVD26-2A in Magdeburg 6cylinders, 300 horsepower; 19000 hours). Currently under Russian registration. Extra engines - 2 engines, 25KW, each one has 4 cylinder with 40 HP; 1500 turnings/min. No.1-Engine operated 16000 hours, No.2-2000 hours (Repaired in 1996), Bunkers: 2 tanks, Fuel: 14 tons, Fuel consumption: with cargo - 0.8 tons/ day/night; Without cargo 0.30 - 0.60 tons/ day/night System of firing: water and liquid;
Crane - 1 ton, can be powered to 2 tons Body steel vessel (thickness 8-10 mm) Alarm light: 4 accumulation batteries; Freezing camera: operated 4000 hours; Temperature in cargo rooms: +15 c, -2C, -8C, and -18C; Water pumps: No.1-40 m3/hour, No.2 - 25 m3/hour; Pressure: 1.8 kg/square cm Hold capacity: 100 m3 Cabines-5 accommodations rooms, 1 steering room, 1 company room, galley Cargo rooms- 2 with 100m3 capacity each; Speed: 10.2 knots Productivity: 68000 kcal/hour Navigation: Auto pilot installed. All necessary navigation and electronics built in accordance with the Register regulations. Seaworthiness and stability: 100 miles from the cost permitted due to Russian shipping regulations. Shipping register certificates valid till 2003 Dry-docking 1998 Processing plant: Built and designed to co-operate with small fishing vessels to pick up the ready caught fish for storing in a cold and sometimes these type of vessels are used (being moderated) for processing the fish and making the preserves. It can be used for transportation of dry-cargoes, as well fruits and meat and its products, another type of food products, frozen and salted fish, shrimps and other type of seafood. In order to transport the shrimps, ship team can change Freon-12 to Freon-22 along with the set of thermo regulator air-fuses, which are installed at the end of cargo room, so that way temperature can be decreased to -25 Celsius. This vessel has been used only 10 times as freezer, the rest of time as transport-vessel of wooden and saw-materials to Eastern -Europe. Registered and carries Latvian flag. Class-Register Shipping license is valid until 17 august, 2003  Click to enlarge pictures