Port of registry : Hull
Classification : Lloyds 100A1+ LMC DTp Class VII
Speed : 16 knots (12 knots service)
Range : 4500 Nm at service speed
Duration : 3 months
Displacement : 1134 tonnes
Fuel capacity : 139 tons
Fresh water capacity : 52 tons + Reverse osmosis plant capacity at 5 tons per day
Accommodation : 30 + LSA 37 Crew :12

Machinery and Control
Main Engine : 4 x Lister Blackstone ERS8M Turbo charged diesels, each developing 660hp at 750 rpm. All engines resiliently mounted .
Main Propulsion : 4 diesel engines are geared to two shafts driving OP propellers.
Bow thrust machinery : Ulstein Transverse Tunnel bow thruster. Independent diesel drive. Cummins engine 500hp via Ulstein gear box.
Control System : Mechanical chain drive/ Hydraulic main engine controls, additional bridge wing controls. Bow thruster electronically controlled . Automatic pilot.
Generators : 4 x Lister Blackstone ERS4M producing 180 kW all resiliently mounted. Emergency unit is a Lister ha6ma 36 KVA brush generator.
Power supplies : 440v 3 phase 60 Hz. Clean laboratory supplies + UPS
Work boats : 2 x 6m RIBs Northcraft with twin 60 hp engines
Handling Facilities : 1 x TICO crane and 1 HIAS crane for boat launching and general use. Hydraulic 'A' frame 8 ton SWL
Laboratories: Main Survey Hydrographic office is 6.7m x 6.7m with adjacent work areas and access to aft deck, transducers are fitted. After survey office is 36 sq.m.
Navigational outfit : 2 x Furuno radars FR1510DA, 1 x FR2110 with ARP, Arma Brown gyra. KH echo sounder + Microtechnica Polar 10 MkII gyro. 2 x GPS (Furuno) Robertson Autopilot + Cetrek 9000, chernikeefe log, Furuno weatherfax, Furuno D Fax 208-A. Koden DF KS500A, Airband Narco 120 150 . Colour plotter CV3500.
Communications : 2 x VHF (Sailor RII44C and Standard G2310UK) Skanif HF/MF TxRx, Furuno Felcom BCA, Inmarsat B phone/fax/telex. Radio telex Thrane and Thrane. 2 x Furuno FS 1550 MF/HF transceivers.